Tuesday, October 28, 2008

pumpkin carving

tonight we carved the pumpkins.  spencer went for a disco ball effect.  he started by poking golf tees into the pumpkin.  the holes weren't big enough so we tried the knife sharpener.  it made bigger holes, but it still didn't turn out like he wanted.  i think it looks cool.  it glows instead of shines.     {if you look real close you'll see a little orange dot.}

colby went the more traditional route and had me carve a face.  he's had this face planned out for quite a while.  he had a sketch for me to follow!

i messed up and only cut two teeth instead of three, but Colby said that was ok.  here is his jack-o-lantern. {i wish i wouldn't have drawn the face with permanent marker!  i didn't think about the lines showing up so badly!  oh well....}


Lisa Howe said...

Amy, I am addicted to blogging, so at this point even if it is just you and me looking at each others pictures, we will just enjoy it. :o)

When you get to the screen to download your pix, you dont chose the option for them to be centered. You chose to one side or the other, Then you really have to mess with it to get it right. I just discovered it myself.

I love the pictures of your pets! So funny! I am so proud of Rock-dog for catching a mouse (was it real??) I despise, DESPISE and fear mice!!!!

Tell the boys the pumpkins are awesome! We did not carve one this year. :o(

amy said...

yes, the mouse was real. i don't know how i managed to even get a picture before he ate it! he's quite the little mouser!

Lisa Howe said...

And don't forget there are always blurkers who don't post. I had a friend, Nettie, who was blurking my blog today, and she looked at yours and Nellie's and Gigi's too.

Sorry, I know it probably freaked you out when you saw you had two comments. It was just me....AGAIN!

nellie rae said...

i LOVE your halloween costume pictures. those are AWESOME! that would make a great mini album you could add to each year!!! I love the one of you and daryl. i want his sumo costume!