Sunday, January 3, 2010

new year's eve

what better way to end the year than removing "head-wound harry's" bandage?

today was the day colby finally got to take that wrap off of his head and take a bath! the boy was getting pretty stale!
since we were staying in broken arrow for the week, daryl bought an antennae for our living room tv. i knew he couldn't make it a whole week with no tv! the main reason he got it, though, was he HAD to see the OU game today! he got it all hooked up, got the channels finally entered, and the sound wouldn't work on 2 of the stations. and guess what one of the channels was.......the one showing the OU game! LOL!!!!

thank goodness for the heinen family. they let daryl and spencer come over and watch the game with them. while they were doing that, colby and i had lunch with lisa at q'doba. {yum.} after that we had just enough time to go to an antique store and look around.
awesome clocks!
i just liked the arrangement of these old jewelry boxes.
after a delicious home-cooked meal prepared by wonderful me, our family bonded for many hours in front of the wii. there were some jam sessions by the rock monkeys, but mostly we played super mario for wii. that is the extremely fun, extremely frustrating latest version of mario brothers specifically for the wii. all 4 players are playing at the same time.

it took a while for us to get it together. we had a little trouble cooperating. some were too slow for others, some kept eating the other players, and some were pushing their teammates into boiling lakes of lava or off the edge of a cliff!

we finally retired the wii when it was getting close to midnight because i wanted to see the ball drop in times square. to me it's not officially the new year until i see the ball drop on tv!

i even managed to get some new year's smooches from the boys!
daryl smooch
this-is-as-close-as-you-get-smooch from spencer
photo of the day 12.31.09
poochie smoochie from rocky
another poochie smoochie
colby smooch
mom smooch
and yet another rocky smooch!
Blessing of the day: smooches from my all my boys :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Love you guys!! What could be better than spending your New Years Eve with the people you love best in the world! What a blessing! Glad you got to be together. :o) Lisa Howe