Thursday, January 21, 2010

today, january 21

daryl is out with the guys from church, so i went to dinner with 2 very handsome, younger men! after supper we went to BigK...the super K-mart! i haven't been to a K-mart in years!

i only went there to avoid going to wal-mart, and i'm glad i did! we found exactly what we needed, and it was on sale! while spencer was trying on jeans in the fitting room, colby was checking himself out in the big mirrors.

i was waiting outside the mens' fitting room when i heard, "hey mom! i pulled out a nose hair! cool! i got another one! wanna see it?" then colby came trotting out holding his pointer finger up on display! he was proud of his discovery!

photo of the day
as we were walking down another aisle, colby and spencer were still discussing nose hairs {which is better than the discussion they were having about the bras we had passed earlier!}. colby told spencer that he was going to pull out all of his nose hairs because he didn't want to be "one of those old men who have really long hairs hanging out of their nose!"

daily grateful: short faculty meeting today!

1 comment:

Lisa Howe said...

LOLOLOL!!! Colby, Colby, Colby! You crack me up! Shopping with your crew is a adventure! Glad you found what you needed at KM. You are lucky to still have one there.